Then arose the wonderful medicinal "Vijaya" a Mahoushadi which Bhairava accepted. Soon after, to the extreme joy of devas and asuras alike, there emerged Dhanwantari holding the vessel of nectar in his hands. Almost last of all, emerged Sri-Devi Luxmi in all Her Glory and splendour, with a smile on her face, with lotus blosooms in Her auspicious hands, and sitting on a red lotus bringing joy to the hearts of Maharshis who recited Devi-sukta. The Gandharvas sang Her praises-; the Ganges and other sacred rivers approached Her; while the eight directional elephants supporting the worlds, bathed Her with sacred water from golden vessels held in their trunks. While Lord Vishnu was joyfully looking on at this avatar of his spouse, Sri Devi Tulasi was born (ever devoted to Lord Vishnu's feet) to the satisfaction of all Munis. Sagara, the Lord of the oceans, offered Sri Luxmi a garland of lotuses, Viswakarma offered her jewels studded with divine gems; thus decorated with celestial garlands and bedecked with celestial jewels, Sri Luxmi moved towards Kanchanachela (Lord Vishnu), who wore her on his chest to the joy of all. Sri Luxmi, thus having occupied Lord Vishnu's bosom, blessed one and all around her and showered her grace on all that beheld ffer smiling face. LOftD VISHNU ASSUMES MOHINI AVATARA When the asuras beheld Luxmi occupying the bosom of their foe Vishnu, they feared that Vishnu would trick them out of their share of nectar. So Malakasura and his host hastened and snatched away the vessel of nectar from the hands of Dhanwantari. Then ensued a terrific struggle between the devas and the asuras for the nectar. In the midst of this fight, Lord Vishnu contemplated on Para Shakti and sought her help, while Brahma and Rudra left the place and returned to their respective Lokas. The body of Vishnu, who had been contemplating on Para Shakti, was transformed into that of a most alluring female form, so attractive and bewitching as to distract the attention of the asuras. They could not take their surprised eyes off her most exquisite form. To their great astonishment and delight, Mohini approached them fearlessly and said in a sweet voice that thrilled them: "Why do you fight? Give me that vessel of nectar and I shall distribute it". Unable to refuse her, the vessel was forthwith put into her delicate and shapely hands, while her bangles tinkled musically and charmed them. They were all so deluded as to become mere puppets in her hands. She then directed them to sit in two rows: The devas in one line, and the danavas in another. Holding a ladle in her dainty hands, Mohini doled out the nectar first to the devas. Thinking that the vessel might become empty by the time it reached him, Rahu son of Simhika became impatient and stealthily joined the ranks of the devas where he was also served nectar. But before he could swallow it, the Sun and the Moon signaled to Lord Vishnu (Mohini) who immediately chopped off Rahu's head. As it had already come in contact with nectar, it remained alive still: and Lord Vishnu, now no more in MohinFs form, vanished from their midst giving the empty vessel to the danavas. Realising the trick played by Lord Vishnu, the asuras rose in a body and fell upon the devas with intent to destroy them. The devas, who were now full of vigour and valour, having drunk of nectar. took up their weapons and routed the asuras who were weak and tired The danavas therefore fled in all directions and hid themselves in Patala and other inaccessible places. Indra thus got back his Svarga-Loka and his old pomp and splendour" and Sn Luxmi smiled on him once again. 17